Monday, June 1, 2020

Different types of mobile applications

Due to advancements in technology, apps are an integral part of our daily lives. The market is crowded with different types of mobile applications. Nowadays, the businesses that never required apps in the past are involving themselves more into the apps mostly android applications. The apps have made it simple for the companies to meet customer demand as such apps have made the task easier.

Here, we have explained different types of mobile applications. So, let us have a look at them in detail.

From few years, lifestyle apps have gained lots of importance. These applications are the one that accelerates the individual facets defining your lifestyle. In this type of application, the apps included are Fitness, dating, travel, and more. The benefit of such apps is that they are a part of the user’s lifestyle once they become catalogue. These apps are the ones that people switch daily to find the next new song, destination, and more. With the help of this app, they can find their liking and disliking.

These applications are some of the most popular types of a mobile application that helps us to build social networks and most of us daily use them. Alone Facebook has over 1 million active users. Android apps have made our task easier. Social media apps are fast and continuously integrating the expanding features of the social networks they support.

Now, most of the people share their day to day activities on such android apps. For these reasons, the apps that do not fall under the social media category want to include such apps in the social sharing functionality. If you are considering developing an android application, consider adding social media features to it, as it will help you to grow your networks. The most common android social media application is like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and more.

These apps are like the one that we use most often without thinking about them as apps. Some of them come pre-installed on the devices and provide only a single function. Examples of such apps are calculator, weather, reminders, and more.

In gaming the category of apps is huge, and all are very competitive. The gaming apps are the most obvious mobile app categories that require little explanations. Such apps are very popular among the users and need only little explanation because they bring the users back multiple times per day. For the success of the gaming app, both the frequency and length play a very good role. They work to make it addictive to users due to which they come back every day or a certain number of days in a row.

So, like this, there are various types of android apps that have gained importance in recent times. For running a good business app, it is necessary to develop an application by hiring an android app development company in the USA. Both android and IOS development companies are the best options to build their own business apps.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Which is better: Flutter or React Native?

Due to lots of development and modernisation in technology, the demand for mobile applications has increased to a large extent. To stay abreast of the growing need of the customers, it is necessary to have niche technology and frameworks. Developing a good mobile application for a new business requires a proper understanding of robust technology, as it makes the coding simple and efficient. Most of the developers have started using the cross-platform app to leverage its features.

Flutter and react-native are the most important two frameworks that are competing to prove their value and are known as the host of the cross-platform. Nowadays, react native and flutter is the most important topic discussed and has gained lots of importance in the companies. Flutter is a newbie in the mobile application introduced by google. It helps most of the developers to create a beautiful native application developed with ease.

Here, in this article, we have explained the performance comparison between flutter and react native.

User Interface
When the point of a user interface of an app comes, you will find that there is a huge difference between react native and flutter. In the case of react native, its dependency is on native components whereas flutter works flawlessly with the proprietary widget sets. React native takes all the credits in case of user interface and is the most dynamic framework that improves the user experience.

Development Time
For development time, the react native is one of the most reliable frameworks for next-generation applications. Almost all the developers preferred to have it because of its efficiency and the reduced time framework for the development. It takes very little time in developing the project. If we compare the two, flutter takes more time in development. React native makes the development process simple and quick. Whereas flutter promises to provide high-quality usability and the development framework demands more credit overreact Native.

With the help of performance, you can easily identify which framework is ideal to use for mobile application development. React native has a large fan following, however, the developers know the real pain they face while creating hybrid applications. The adjustment of native applications is easy with these requirements. For the framework, the developers have not to face any issue while developing an application in a native environment.
At last, a detailed comparison between both the frameworks is mentioned which are popular among the different mobile app start-up companies. Both the framework has its benefits in case of interface, performance, and development time as above mentioned. So, it is not easy to declare which is the winner. As we know that flutter is a new framework, it will take more time to get stable in the industry in comparison to the react-native. So, from all these, we conclude that React Native is a smart and first choice to start with. There is no question on the capabilities of flutter, as it also provides lots of benefits to developers while building beautiful applications.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Mobile Apps That Will Dominate The 2nd Half of 2020

The mobile application has been the centre of the invention for a few years. With the growing market and upcoming latest technologies, it is not easy to stay active in the market. According to research, lots of Americans spend more than half of their time on digital media.

If your business wants to get good engagement from the mobile it is good to develop own app and offer a unique user experience. There are lots of apps being released every day and the applications are available to download depending upon the communication, education, games, and more.
Here, we have explained some of the mobile apps which will dominate the 2nd Half of 2020.

Instagram is the most popular app of 2020, as it gives people an easy way to connect with different individuals through images, videos, hashtags, and more. Usage of hashtags is beneficial because it increases your followers. This app was appeared in 2010 and has gained lots of importance till the date. This application provides a spectrum of opportunities in social media when it comes to digital marketing through ads and tools. It has more than 500 million active users, so it is more powerful than Facebook and Twitter. The marketers are falling in love with this application, as they look for better ROI for their business.

This application was developed by a firm called byte dance, for creating short videos set to the music. The most famous features of it are lip-synching and dancing. Most of the people use to emote over famous monologues from movies and TV or to create clever illusions through editing. The application has surpassed lots of famous apps like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and more. The download rate of this app is more in comparison to other social media apps.

Netflix is a video-based on-demand app and the user must take subscription service to watch movies and TV shows on the smartphone, smart TV. Through this app best experience is provided anytime and anywhere. Most of the users find Netflix better than other video-on-demand -app, as it provides lots of movies, shows types to choose from.

YouTube is the world's most famous video platform for and by the people. Through this app, they can share unique content with the target audience. It attracts millions of users so that they can watch whatever they prefer. According to the research report,25 percent of YouTube traffic is generated by mobile and mobile video. Even this app is very profitable for google due to videos.

WhatsApp is one of the most popular and widely used chat applications and provides communication between international phone networks. Till the date, it has 1.5 million users worldwide. The application is an end to end encrypted, thus approved by the people of the countries where they focus more on security. Through this app, people can message and make social networks worldwide.

So, all the above-mentioned apps are beneficial and help public and business owners to generate their traffic in one or another way. These apps are developed by app development companies for competitors who are working hard to grow their business and generate business traffic.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Basic Features Every Social Media App Should Have

When we talk about social media app, important apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter comes into the mind of people. The range of social media app is wider than normal people think. Assimilating most of the social features in the app makes a good impact on the growth and reputation of the business.

To develop a successful social media app, there are essential Basic Features mentioned below in this article.

Social Media Connection
The importance of social media app is increasing as it provides good connectivity to people so that they can stay connected with their friends and other people around the world. Allow the users to connect easily with others with your “app draw” in the app. The social connections work efficiently and help to raise the graph swiftly. The login speed will influence your app and if the speed is more then there will be less chance to distract the users. It will increase their interest in your app. Mostly the users approach the apps that have user-friendly navigation with advanced functionality.

Selection of the Platform
In today’s time, the globally used platforms are IOS and android. So, choosing the popular platform throughout testing on different devices is necessary to make the app popular.

Customize Use Profile
In social media, people focus more on creating an impressive profile to enhance their reputation in social groups. The users prefer to make their profile by mentioning their interests, status, mood, and more things to know. Even though they upload videos and other stuff related to events and festivals. Hence, mentioning common information like nickname, biodata, and more helps the users to make a custom profile appealing. So, provide the feature so that users can easily customise their profile

Creating a network of Friends/Followers
The app should allow users to easily invite friends with one click. Two models are used to create connections with friends and followers which are called private and public networks. The developer must develop to comprehend a user graph that allows users to connect with friends quickly.

Notification and News Feed
It is an important feature that gives power to users to express their views and enhance social capabilities and responsibilities. It also enables to make the activities of users in a single view. Allow users to share content, stories, upload pictures, and lots of other kinds of stuff. The addition of this feature will make your app popular and will attract lots of users.

Security, Assistance, and updates
The developers of the mobile app should consider thoroughly this prime important factor as without privacy and security of users’ personal information the app has no meaning. No user will have trust in your application and will avoid sharing important information. The regular update becomes vital for the development of a long-lasting app.

So, adding all the advanced and required basic features will help you to create a user-friendly app. More users would like to stay connected for the long term if your social media app has all the required features.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Steps to choose Mobile App Company in San Francisco?

Every year lots of companies made huge investments in getting enterprise mobile app to prove themselves be a game-changer for their respective owners. The role of a mobile app in any company’s business success is important, so that is why owners opt for Mobile App Company in San Francisco.
Before you hire any mobile application development company read the below-mentioned points in detail to get more clarity.

    • Know your requirements

For choosing the mobile app development company, the most important thing that can influence your decision is your requirement. If you are clear about what you need then things become easy for you. When it comes to defining your requirements, you can consider the below-mentioned points.

    • First, have a clear understanding of the exact things you need in the app.
    • Focus on the timeline that you want the app to be developed.
    • Define the goal, feature, and complete the business model of the app.

If you do not mention these three points, then these points will take the form of questions that you may have to answer in the future. The company with professionals will not only brief a client with all the proposed solutions, implantation process, but will also help you to understand your requirements. In case you have less technical understanding the company will help you to understand that too according to the budget.

    • Set your budget
When you know the functionality and purpose of your application next thing you decide is budget that how much money you require to develop the application. There is no simple way to define the charges for developing an app. So, by setting the budget and directly contacting the mobile app development companies, you can do that.
If you make the online research, you can easily get a rough estimate of the money required to design an application. So, more the feature your app will have more money you have to pay for the building it.

    • Have a clear understanding of the services you want in the first place from them
To decrease the budget, it is necessary to add only necessary features and narrow down your expectations when it comes to choosing the kind of service provider you want. It is very important to make your expectations level low when it comes to choosing which kind of service provider you want.

While it entirely depends on the budget range there are several options to choose from. If in case, you choose a normal company that is ready to work with you at a fair price it is good to hire their service, as such a kind of company design and develop highly sophisticated applications.
A good Mobile App Company in San Francisco, Android App Development, IOS App Development has lots of things to speak on its behalf to prove that it is professional. Even they use the latest mobile app tools for developing applications and track record of working along with time.   

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How to create an educational app for Android in less time?

Nowadays, we all have smartphones including kids. The kids use to play games, we like to communicate with friends, get updated news, do calling and more. Even some of us use smartphones to study. We all find lots of educational apps, learning apps, teaching apps on App store or play the market, but there is always room for new apps and new ideas. The article is helpful, as here we have covered main types, features and lots of benefits of educational apps.

So, let’s have a look at a few types of educational apps:
Course ware- The name itself provides a clear idea that this is an app that gets along with some courses.

Classroom aids – It is software designed to be used in the school projected with the whiteboard.

Assessment software – An application used to access the score of the user and trust students better in comparison to computers.

Features of the different educational app Development that helps to create an app for Android in less time.
The feature list of educational apps is many, as there is a wide range of situations where they get applied. Based on the type of app, features can be included by default. Now the new trend to make an educational app is using the AR AND VR technology that helps to enhance the experience. Let’s have a look at the main features of educational apps, but never forget that you can create something new and innovative:

Integration with social networks
This feature is common in all the apps, not only in educational and learning apps. With the help of it, you can register and sign in into the app with few clicks. It is a time saver app, as you need not have manually input your name and other personal info.

Preparation and planning
Education is a well-defined process with plans, goals and final terms. So, it is useful for students and teachers who struggle to do it in very little time.
Videotapes and live creeks

Sometimes it is easy to digest the video content and understand, so there is no coincidence that videos in the android educational app are popular. With the help of this feature, you can create and watch videos or upload them in very little time. It is advised not to forget that students can rewind and re-watch videos many times if they want. So, before you figure out how to make an Android educational app in very less time take a look at the best Android mobile educational apps prepared by different people.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Best Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tools in 2020

Selecting the right app development tools is a critical part of building a good app. Creating an appealing, useful, and eye-catching mobile product is only one side of your success story. Another important aspect is the technical part — how your app runs on different mobile devices supported by a few operating systems and what cross-platform mobile development tools to choose to turn your app idea into top application.

Android and iOS are the main platforms for mobile app development. If you opt for a native mobile app development approach, you will need to write different code for both platforms because the platform that you want to build for, dictates which types of tools you’ll be using. For example, if your app is being built strictly for the Google Play Store then you’ll use Android Studio for development. Whereas XCode is used for iOS apps. However, modern development framework technology means that you can develop for both platforms simultaneously.

This is the main reason why cross-platform development gained so much popularity in the mobile industry. The purpose of cross-platform mobile development tools is to save long-hours of coding. The app developers can reuse the code and run on iOS, Windows, and Android devices. Ideally, cross-platform technology delivers native-like apps because of the advent of advanced tools and technologies that allow developers to build apps that may appear like native apps. This technology upgradation has enhanced the hiring for cross platform developers. In 2019, 72.97% hike were seen and will be gaining more heights in 2020. The cross platform application development demand in the outskirts of app development market will surpass the figure of $7.9 Billion in 2020. Here’s listing for you the best cross-platform mobile development tool this year:

    1. Adobe PhoneGap
The tool is owned by Adobe and is one of the best cross platform mobile App development tool based on a open source framework Apache Cordova giving you access to the complete set of PhoneGap toolset which helps you streamline the app development process. An open-source tool consists of a debugger, a compiler, and testing tools. Debugging tools allow you to inspect HTML, CSS, and debug codes in JavaScript. It’s just a myth that PhoneGap is used to build simple apps. In the past few years there is a wide range of plugins like Media Recorder Plugin, Image Capture plugin, and even Push plugin which is quite popular among developers. The code can easily be reused on the following platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, and Firefox OS. All the processes are plugin-able which means that the developers can easily use APIs to get their work done. It supports the in-store app purchases whether it is on the Google Play store or iOS.

    2. React Native
React Native is basically a JavaScript library framework for creating cross platform native apps for Android, iOS & Windows. It’s getting very popular now a days amongst the developers and considered as the best Cross Platform Native Mobile App Development Framework of 2019. With this framework you can create high end rich UI for your app using declarative components. It uses native code and creates robust high-performance apps. The USP of this framework is that it’s a cross platform app but not a HTML5 mobile Web App or Hybrid App, rather it develops native app for you with high performance level with complex functionality.

    3. Ionic Framework
Ionic is the most popular framework on the list for hybrid app development. It uses technologies that most developers are familiar with such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The Ionic framework comes with a powerful CLI which makes it possible to create, code, test and deploy Ionic app to the platform of your convenience. The overwhelming results Ionic has provided in conjunction with Angular has made it an easy pick for building hybrid mobile apps in the recent past. Its extensive list of features, predefined elements and a large community of developers make Ionic extremely popular amongst all cross-platform development tools. Due to its ability to build native like mobile apps, Ionic is also a great choice for PWA development. Version 4 of currently in beta version, and the production version is expected soon.

    4. Flutter
Flutter was launched by Google in 2018 and it is a modern development kit designed for building mobile apps for Android, iOS and Google Fuchsia. Flutter is an open source app development framework, based on the Dart programming language. One of the great things about Flutter is hot reload. This means developers can see all the changes they have made to the code right away in the app. This enables developers to quickly add new features, fix bugs and experiment.
Flutter has a rich set of widgets and extensive capabilities for creating complex custom widgets, which is extremely relevant for app’s view and interface. Since Flutter has a big name behind it, you can count on the support from the Material Design team and a community of over 1000 developers.

    5. Appcelerator Titanium
The Titanium SDK operates using JavaScript. It allows you to reuse between 60% and 90% of the same code for all your apps. This feature is a huge time saver. The ability to get a head start and have more than half of the code already done is why Accelerator Titanium is such a popular choice. Titanium is also an open-source development tool. So thousands of developers across the globe are always making contributions. As a result, the performance and functionality of this resource are constantly improving. You can move from the design aspects back to the code components with seamless effort. In addition to Java, Titanium also allows you to use code from Swift and Objective C simultaneously with its own code.

    6. Xamarin
Xamarin is the cross-platform, open-source tool powered by Microsoft since 2016. This app platform helps build apps that share a single codebase on Android, iOS, Windows, and other operating systems. Xamarin can run it not only on mobile devices but also on the web and desktop. You can create apps for Windows Phone, Android, IOS with the help of C#, which is the programming language supported by this cross-platform mobile development tool. The companies that actively use Xamarin in their projects are Alaska Airlines, Atlantic & Pacific Business Travel Limited, FreshDirect, OLO, Insightly, and others.

    7. NativeScript
NativeScript is equivalent to writing native apps with cross-platform capability in JavaScript, TypeScript, or Angular.  It is the most preferred app development frameworks to create trending microapps. Microapps help you perform functionalities with precision. It usually focuses on a single feature. NativeScript is upon the following major components: runtimes, core modules, CLI and Plugins. The runtimes allow the developer to call the iOS and Android APIs using JavaScript code. Core modules help to summon the abstractions needed for the native API. The CLI command helps the user to create, run, and build apps using NativeScript. The plugins form the building blocks of this app development framework. Like the plugins that help make mobile apps, it contains some functionality and aids the developer in building apps faster. Reach, reusability, and rapid app development.