Thursday, January 30, 2020

Android 10 vs Android 9: The Differences and Comparison

In 2019, the Android market experienced some amazing changes and Android Q which is now Android 10 is one of them. People were really interested in this new development and were discussing about it, its features, installation, beta version and everything all that time. Android 10 is live now and discussions are taking new turns. The hottest topic currently going on is if Android 10 is really better than Android 9 or not.

In this blog, we are going to follow the trend and compare the latest two Android versions based on their features and a lot of stuff.

1.      The Dark Mode: Android OS in its latest version has a dark mode and that’s why it is the shiniest amongst the all. When people look at attractive content in white on a dark background it feels kind of satisfying and there’s no doubt in that, as black is the favorite of all of us. The dark mode is actually winning hearts and wins a plus point over the previous Android version.

2.      Support for Foldable Phone: Yup, you heard it right!!! The new Android version supports foldable phones. So, if you are a Samsung Galaxy Fold user, this feature will allow you to enjoy better usage of the phone even when it’s on low battery. This is also offering more opportunities to Android app developers who want to explore the new dimensions of app development. Find the best Mobile App Development in Texas 

3.      Facial Recognition: Android 10 has also made an entry with a facial recognition feature that lets the users unlock their devices through their facial characteristics. We know that this feature has now become old, as iOS already introduced it a while ago. But, it’s new in Android, so we can celebrate.
4.      Live Caption: It’s so nice to have a live caption in the space, as this feature allows accessing the automatic captions for all the multimedia files, docs, audios, messages, videos and more. One thing will make you happier and that is the feature is available in offline mode too.

5.      Accessibility Through Desktop: This feature is considered as one of the finest of the Android 10, as the users can now easily connect their devices with the laptops or systems without any issues. It is also doing a good job of improving the user experience. With this even the developers need to rework on their methodologies and enhance their developing abilities.

These were some of the famous features of Android 10 which was not available in Android Pie. So, in this sense, the new version is definitely better. But there are other factors too, like the UI and design themes in Pie were revolutionary too, though the new version lets the users customize and play with style, font size, and icon shape.

If we talk about the messaging and emojis, then 10 comes with smart reply and suggested actions. The fact is that Android 9 made Google the second major vendor supporting emojis by bringing about 157 new emojis, but Android 10 also has some fresh and funny ones.
Battery levels were improved in Android 9, but even the dark mode is relishing an upgraded adaptive battery setting.

So, any experts would say that you just can’t tell which one is better, but one can definitely choose the one based upon their focused features.
Come tell us what you feel about this new Android Q version in the comments below.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

How to become a successful app entrepreneur in 2020?

Most people are hooked on to their mobile screens every waking hour. Mobile apps have witnessed an increased demand over the last few years. This industry is full of opportunities with the biggest scope for innovation compared to any other field. Successful mobile app entrepreneurs revel in being their own bosses and are constantly looking for brighter solutions to improve their products and services. The app ecosystem grows dramatically in the market given its ability to bring the world in the palm of your hands. Here are a few tips on how to become a successful app entrepreneur in 2020:
1. Focus on your STAR feature
Innovation is the keystone to successful app entrepreneurship. The most novel method for bringing about innovation is either to showcase a completely new/original idea or to change the game of an existing, rather steady business. Make sure you keep your focus solely on optimizing your “hero” feature as the complexity of the app takes away from the idea of a dream user experience.
2. Mind the APP STORE
Google Play Store and Apple App Store chart the locus of all market trends and will help you spot and benchmark the best and the bad app formats. Feedbacks and ratings often cite the most relevant and practical clues on the improvisation of your app. To understand what makes an app usable and popular, look at the top charts of the free, paid and grossing Apps, analyze the parameters that differentiate the top apps from others, and try to incorporate the characteristics of the most successful apps into your app.
3. Strong App Monetisation Strategy
Having a strong marketing strategy to promote the app across all mediums decides the fate of the mobile app. Invest well for better returns. Most of the users don’t like paying for downloading the apps, determining and choosing a perfect monetization strategy becomes even more challenging for an aspiring app entrepreneur. Amongst app purchases, subscriptions, in-app purchases, and freemiums, which kind of monetization plan you offer your user also decides whether your mobile app is worth a million downloads or not.
4. Regularly analyze your App Data and Improvise
A storming app launch does not warrant a successful app. To make your mobile app successful, keep a keen eye on user reviews, store rankings, and changing market needs. Track the performance of your mobile application and know the areas that need to be improved using Google Analytics. It is also useful to correlate your data with the app’s performance through a platform like App Annie, which provides a ton of metrics concerned with your app, including your app’s downloads, rankings, reviews, and revenue. Analyzing your app data daily helps you easily spot trends and make necessary changes quickly if needed.
5. Create a Value System
Another thing you should to do become a better entrepreneur in 2020 is to promote a specific set of values. It will help you to win over new customers and boost employee morale at the same time. Two-thirds (63 percent) of global consumers prefer to purchase products and services from companies that reflect their own values and beliefs.80% of American workers believe company culture is an important factor in job satisfaction.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What's New in Create React App

Create React App was established by developers at Facebook as a tool that allowed you to build React Apps with minimal configuration as it creates most of the boilerplate code needed to get you ready and coursing. This tool has simplified the rather intimidating and time-consuming task of developing an active react app. Create React App v2. And v3. have evolved over the last 2 years. In this article, you will discover the new updates and features added since the release of the Create React App tool.
·         Babel 7 is the latest Babel update which has incorporated new react features such as fragments and has become compatible with CRA v2.
·         CRA v2. And CRA v3. have updated to Jest 23 and Jest 24 respectively. This introduces some thrilling new features such as Typescript Support, Improved assertion messages, etc.
·         Webpack 4 is an intuitively quick new version and supports a bug-free experience modulating bundles.
·         Hooks Supported React apps have changed the way components are written allowing the use of stateful logic in functional components. This permits you to write purer components and enhance the optimization of your applications. They are functions that allow you to use React features only available for classes (like state handling) in functional components. There are two rules for using hooks, the first is to use hooks at the top level of your functional component, never inside loops, conditions, or nested functions. The second rule is that only call hooks from functional components, don’t call hooks from regular JavaScript functions.
·         Typescript Linting has been introduced in the newer versions for projects making use of Typescript. A list of rules enforced has been released in the guide to assist you to check for your project’s compatibility.
·         Lighter CSS bundles can be created with CSS modules. You can target modern browser clients specifically in the browser list specification of your package.
·         Runtime Error Overlaypops up whenever there is an uncaught error in your application.
·         Browser list configuration allows you to configure a set of browser versions to change the build output in order to produce a compatible code and support specified browser versions. You can specify separate lists for production and development. The production build will target browsers which cover 99.5% of global usage, while the development build will target only the last two versions of Google Chrome.
·         Absolute imports with jsconfig.json and tsconfig.json for JavaScript projects allowing a direct path for files.
·         Post CSS is a great tool with over 200 custom plugins. This further widens the horizon for you by increasing code readability, utilizing stylelint, offering a powerful grid system, etc.
·         SVG Tags which could otherwise get long and confusing are now redeemed in the newer versions of React App with cleaner looking lines, richer color and the option to change your images into code.
·         Yarn PlugN’Play is experimental but a very useful tool in getting rid of the node_modules. Installs ran using PlugN’Play are up to 70% faster than the regular ones.

With create-react-app, a couple of positive steps have been taken towards the improvement of the overall React development experience as well as the quality of applications. React has an exciting future and this is yet another indicator of more good things to come.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How A Single Page Application Can Help Boost Your Business?

Digital Marketing Companies have now realized that the User Experience (UE) is nowadays the most tangible game changer for all online businesses in the world. Companies know that to meet the expectations of the mobile customers they need to adopt strategies and technologies that provide native app-like experience and performance in order to meet the demands of their customers and to retain, engage, and satisfy them. As a result, many companies are building web experiences using an emerging web design paradigm referred to as Single-Page Applications (SPA). 
Single Page Application (SPA) is a web application or website that is organized on a single web page, pursuing the goal of an application-like fluid experience for the end-user. The key aspect of an SPA is that the app or website structure is downloaded at one go when the app or website is initially accessed. SPA precludes the need to download every page one-by-one as users navigate through a website or an app. The approach of building a SPA enables retention of the core user experience between successive pages, making it function like a mobile application within a web browser.SPA can help boost your business because:
·         Responsiveness and speed are vital to building a website for any organization especially when the website is blossoming its growth in the market. SPA offers a massive advantage here since it brings a lighter server payload.
·         In SPA Development, there is a greater flexibility and adaptability array because one can reuse the same backend code from a web application to a mobile application. This fluidity of experience design gives your business an edge for advancement in the market.
·         The development process of Single-Page Application (SPA) is rather hassle-free and uniform, precluding the need to write code to render pages on the server. This means you can kick off the development of the app from a file, without utilizing a server.
·         SPA’s make it easier to develop a feature-rich web app. You can, for instance, build a content editing web application with real-time analysis. Whereas, the same app developed via traditional methods will undergo a complete page reload for content analysis.

·         SPA’s help your webpage to remain functional even without internet connectivity. They use cache effectively as it stores all the local data it receives when it sends a single request to the server. It then uses this data to work offline. At times of poor connectivity, this local data is synced with the server if the connection allows.

·         As SPA’s are developed using frameworks like React and Angular, these can be easily debugged using popular browsers like Chrome or Firefox. In addition, one can investigate web page elements, monitor network operation and keep a check on associated data on the page.

If a startup is pursuing the end goal of increased visibility, greater user engagement and higher productivity for completing tasks or interactively exploring data, the key is to explore the fullest potential of SPAs. They are much faster compared to traditional web applications and are not cluttered.

Monday, January 20, 2020


Since its inception in 2003, WordPress has soared from a modest and ubiquitous blogging site to a sophisticated and favored open source web development platform. It is a pre-eminently used content management system (approximately 59.4%)and accounts for about 32% of all new websites. From Topnotch publications such as The New York Times and CNN, music icons such as Jay-Z and Katy Perry, to Fortune 500 companies such as UPS and eBay, WordPress designing, and development has been preferentially hunted. If you are thinking of building a new site, here are the advantages of using a WordPress website design.

1.      Adaptable to Evolving Needs

WordPress is used to run complex sites for large multinational corporations, manage small businesses, and create personal blogs. WordPress sites can contain full-service eCommerce stores, showcase a portfolio, or host a social network, group, or podcast. Whatever a company’s requirements, the core WordPress package plus a variety of basic and premium plugins that are suitable for your site. 

2.      No HTML Editing or FTP Software Required

WordPress is a self-contained system and does not require HTML editing software (such as Adobe Contribute or Dreamweaver). You can create a new page or blog post, format text, upload images (and edit them), upload documents, video files, image galleries, etc. all without the need for additional HTML or FTP software.

3.      WP is Cost-Effective

WordPress is a free software for download, installation, use, and modification to match your needs. You can use it to create any kind of website. While the WordPress software itself is free, you need a domain name and web hosting to install it. Bluehost, for instance, is one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider which also offers WPBeginner users a 60% discount on hosting and a free domain name. Basically, you can get started for $2.75 per month.

4.      Plugins Extend Functionality

You can choose from around 22,000+ plugins —small pieces of code designed to perform specific tasks—that allow users to add features such as shopping carts, galleries, contact forms, and more to any compatible WordPress site. Users can also purchase and install hundreds of custom plugins from third-party developers. Plugins can be activated or deactivated and uninstalled as needed as a site evolves. WP also offers thousands of themes in order to give your website a new look or adapt it to the constantly changing trends of online media.

5.      WP Sites Rank High

WordPress is written using standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. This makes Google and other search engines rank WordPress sites higher than others in search engines. By design, WordPress is very SEO(search engine optimization) friendly. You can also use WordPress SEO plugins to further optimize your website.

6.      Built-in and Ready-to-go Blog

Since WordPress was originally created as a blogging platform, blogging capabilities are built-in and are easy to integrate, if desired. Setting up RSS / email subscriptions to your blog, commenting capabilities, and automatically adding the most recent blog posts to other pages of the site (your home page, for example) are also very simple to set-up, and help to extend your company’s reach and make your site more dynamic and interactive.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

5 Unmissable Stats That Prove Why Your Startup Absolutely Needs a Mobile App

These days, mobile apps at small business levels a forward-thinking approaches hand this is where you can take a big leap ahead of your competitors. More and more small businesses are now understanding and utilizing this strategy of building a mobile app, instead of relying upon a mobile-friendly website. Here are a few plain and promising statistics to help you ascertain the benefits of a mobile app for your very own start-up.
1.      90% of the users that enjoy a company’s user interaction on the mobile app will buy from the same brand again
By the year 2020, it has been predicted that the number of mobile users will touch 6 billion. Through the mobile app, your brand becomes visible to the customers all the time. The better app experience you offer, the greater the likelihood of you influencing their impressions and decisions. A report also reveals that 62% of users who faced a bad mobile experience, did not buy from that brand again.

2.      The worldwide mobile app revenue in 2019 is 462 billion USD
Users across the globe are spending a lot of money on apps and that gives any start-up a great revenue stream to tap into. An app for your business will help you reach all those users and make your products accessible to them. People are now turning more and more fluid in making digital purchases and are readily paying up if they get immediate value from their purchases. If you develop your app to offer value to the customer, they’d be happy to pay the right price for it.

3.      An average smartphone user has about 80 apps on their phone and uses about 40 each month
These statistics reveal how an average user interacts with almost 40 different businesses on a monthly basis. The on-the-go attribute of the mobile apps along with an immersive user experience makes it an irresistible force inviting users to engage with their brand no matter where they are. Based on customer interaction and services, mobile apps have become a dependable channel to help win more and more loyal and spending customers.

4.      An app is the most effectual advertising medium, with a cost of $2.89 per user install
A mobile app Development for your business can greatly contribute to your brand awareness. The app serves as a blank billboard sign. You can make it as stylish, attractive, functional and informative as you like. The more often you get your customer involved with your app, the sooner they will be inclined to purchase your product. This is called the “Effective Frequency” in advertising. As a rule of thumb, hearing and/ or seeing your brand approximately 20 times is what will get you truly noticed.

5.      83% of people prefer user interaction to be unified across all their devices

One of the most crucial things your customers expect while connecting with you is the ability to interact with your business from any device at any time without having to restart the session. For a start-up, user satisfaction is of utmost priority, that is you cannot skip having a formidable mobile presence. 

Friday, January 10, 2020

Customize Your Web Development Experiences with Ruby On Rails

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web development software that gives Rails developers a prudent method for writing code. It is free to use and is an extremely productive web application framework written in Ruby (a high – level programming language) that serves as a collection of code libraries allowing app and web developers handy, off the rack solutions for repetitive tasks.

As a concept, it is strikingly pragmatic and elegant due to the ease of use. It allows developers the freedom to write detailed particulars of a given application that archetypically describes his/ her applications domain in a convenient manner instead of having to write every single line of code in a program from scratch. This is to say, you get to customize and model your database as you fancy.

Ruby on Rails deals with a Model/View/Controller (MVC) framework. It uses an internal Domain – Specific Language (DSL), extending Ruby with its own semantics.

In order to best experience the Ruby framework for developing database-backed web applications you will need to have a basic knowledge of Ruby and object-oriented programming namely Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, Java and the likes. Ruby as a programming language is inferred just like Python, Perl and Tcl.

Rails establish conventions for easier collaboration which are codified as the Rails API (application programming interface). The Rails API is documented online and described in blogs, articles, and books. Rails then combine the Ruby programming language with HTML, CSS, JavaScript to create a web application that runs on a web server. This makes Rails is a ‘back end’ or ‘server-side’ web application development platform; the web browser being the ‘front end'.

The upside of ‘Ruby on Rails’ is that it writes most of your application for you. Once you commence upon the task of writing a Rails application, using Ruby, you possess the added power to decide which entity to use where and how to relate them to one another. It is solely up to you to manage and set in motion how each element on the application operates.

Ruby on Rails has rapidly become widely popular among the web application frameworks because of the collective focus on customization and convention. By and large, Rails is greater than a software library and an API. It is indeed a rather beginner-friendly project of a larger community that shares this very versatile tool and supports one another via an informal volunteering network.

Ruby on Rails acclimatizes to tailor your web development needs beyond all debate. From a coder’s perspective, lets you edit with your text editor to create your web application while organizing the files with a specific structure. On the other hand, from a web developers’ perspective, Rails is simply a program that dynamically generates HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. Similarly, a software architect can view the Ruby on Rails content as an organized abstract design. While from a temporal plane, a Rails project appears as a series of snapshots of files stored in a git repository.

The best of professional developers now use Ruby on Rails to configure their working environment for development.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

5 Unmissable Stats That Prove Why Your Startup Absolutely Needs a Mobile App

5 Unmissable Stats That Prove Why Your Startup Absolutely Needs a Mobile App

These days, mobile apps at small business levels a forward-thinking approaches hand this is where you can take a big leap ahead of your competitors. More and more small businesses are now understanding and utilizing this strategy of building a mobile app, instead of relying upon a mobile-friendly website. Here are a few plain and promising statistics to help you ascertain the benefits of a mobile app for your very own start-up.

1. 90% of the users that enjoy a company’s user interaction on the mobile app will buy from the same brand again
By the year 2020, it has been predicted that the number of mobile users will touch 6 billion. Through the mobile app, your brand becomes visible to the customers all the time. The better app experience you offer, the greater the likelihood of you influencing their impressions and decisions. A report also reveals that 62% of users who faced a bad mobile experience, did not buy from that brand again.

2. The worldwide mobile app revenue in 2019 is 462 billion USD
Users across the globe are spending a lot of money on apps and that gives any start-up a great revenue stream to tap into. An app for your business will help you reach all those users and make your products accessible to them. People are now turning more and more fluid in making digital purchases and are readily paying up if they get immediate value from their purchases. If you develop your app to offer value to the customer, they’d be happy to pay the right price for it.

3. An average smartphone user has about 80 apps on their phone and uses about 40 each month
These statistics reveal how an average user interacts with almost 40 different businesses on a monthly basis. The on-the-go attribute of the mobile app along with an immersive user experience makes it an irresistible force inviting users to engage with their brand no matter where they are. Based on customer interaction and services, mobile apps have become a dependable channel to help win more and more loyal and spending customers.

4. An app is the most effectual advertising medium, with a cost of $2.89 per user install
A mobile app for your business can greatly contribute to your brand awareness. The app serves as a blank billboard sign. You can make it as stylish, attractive, functional and informative as you like. The more often you get your customer involved with your app, the sooner they will be inclined to purchase your product. This is called the “Effective Frequency” in advertising. As a rule of thumb, hearing and/ or seeing your brand approximately 20 times is what will get you truly noticed.

5. 83% of people prefer user interaction to be unified across all their devices
One of the most crucial things your customers expect while connecting with you is the ability to interact with your business from any device at any time without having to restart the session. For a start-up, user satisfaction is of utmost priority, that is you cannot skip having a formidable mobile presence.