Friday, February 21, 2020

Four Mobile App Development Tips For Building Better Mobile Application

Regardless of industry vertical, if you are running any business, you need a mobile application for its online growth. If we look a few years back, mobile was just an accessory used to make calls, but now it is next to impossible to function without mobile phones. Every business has an online presence, and now the businesses are moving towards the mobile app development for business growth and productivity. Are you planning to build one for your business? Well! There are certain things you need to keep in mind before you begin mobile app development.

 In this blog, we are going to share some useful mobile app development ideas that can help you to create a user friendly mobile application for customer experience. 

Mobile App Development: 4 Tips To Consider 

Analyze the Market 
Before you begin with the Mobile app development process, you need to understand the user requirement.  Do not forget to perform an analysis of your competitors, you need to know about their positive and negative points. This helps you to build a better mobile app for the business and easily attract the targeted audience to use your mobile application. 

Keep Up With the Trends
Check for the latest innovation introduced in the technology to design the most interactive and attractive mobile application for the business.  It is important to design something innovative to hit the audience. Thus, keeping up with the latest updates and trends plays the most important role in the successful mobile app development. 

Trends keeps changing, so it is important for you to stay up to date with the latest mobile app development trends. As of now, On-Demand Solution, Augmented Reality App Development, and Artificial Intelligence are the on-going mobile app development trends.

You can either go with the Native App Development kit or Cross-Platform App Development tool. 

Customer Friendly 
Customers hate to use the application that slows their devices. Before you make an app for business, make sure that it covers the minimum space in their device.  A happy customer is the most important asset of any business, so make sure your services are keeping the customer satisfied and able to meet all their requirements. Also, the customer appreciates using the application if it is available offline. So, prefer to keep mobile app features accessible offline to the customer. 

Test Before Release 
It is pretty obvious to test the mobile app before releasing it. But, most of the companies ignore it.  After developing the mobile app, test it. You can test the application on alpha testing first and after that, you can go for the beta testing. At last, you need to work upon the bugs and flaws discovered after the testing before handing them to the customers. 

So, these are some mobile app development tips that can help you to build a better and interactive business application having a potential of contributing to business growth.  You need to keep the mobile app up to date later on with the upcoming trends, this is the most important key to successful mobile app development.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

How React Native Works?

While the vogue of using React Native for developing IOS and Android apps is progressively growing, it is both interesting and imperative to understand what exactly React Native is and how does it work? React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing natively rendering mobile applications for IOS and Android. It’s based on React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, but instead of targeting the browser, it targets mobile platforms.It renders using its host platform’s standard rendering APIs enabling it to stand out from most existing methods of cross-platform application development.

React Native allows for building a single app and releasing it for both Android and IOS which affect the user experience and performance of the app. Components in React are composable, reusable and can consist of other components and/or of primitives. React detects which components need to be re-rendered based on the changes in the data, and which not. This makes it fast, powerful and an exceedingly popular choice for development of web applications.
There are 4 threads in the React Native App, as under:
1.      Main thread/ UI thread(used for native android or IOS UI rendering)
2.      JS thread(executes application’s JavaScript code, makes API calls and processes touch events)
3.      Native Module thread(provides access to platform API)
4.      Render thread(generates actual Open GL commands used to draw UI in Android)
So, when you first start React Native app, its main thread starts execution and starts loading JS bundles. When JavaScript code has been loaded successfully, the main thread sends it to another JS thread because when JS does some heavy calculations stuff the thread for a while, the UI thread will not suffer at all any time.When React start rendering, Reconciler starts diffing, and when it generates a new virtual DOM(layout) it sends changes to another thread - Shadow thread.Shadow thread calculates layout and then sends layout parameters/objects to the main(UI) thread. It is called shadow because it generates shadow nodes. Since only the main thread can render something on the screen, shadow thread should send generated layout to the main thread, and only then UI renders.
Both IOS and Android have a similar architecture with subtle differences. Understanding how React Native works is to know the three-part separation of React Native into:
1. The Native side: Most of the native code in case of IOS is written in Objective C or Swift, while in the case of Android it is written in Java. But for writing our React Native app, you would barely ever need to write native code for IOS or Android.
2.The JS side: On IOS/Android simulators and devices React Native uses JavaScript Core, which is the JavaScript engine that powers Safari.With IOS, React Native uses the Java Script Core provided by the IOS platform; while with Android, React Native bundles the Java Script Core along with the application. This increases the app size. 
3.The Bridge: React Native bridge is a C++/Java bridge which is responsible for communication between the native and Javascript thread. A custom protocol is used for message passing. The Native thread spawns the JS VM thread which runs the bundled JS code. The JS code has all the business logic of the application. The Native thread now sends messages via the RN Bridge to start the JS application. Now, the spawned Javascript thread starts issuing instructions to the native thread via the RN Bridge. The instructions include what views to load, what information is to be retrieved from the hardware, etc.

Monday, February 17, 2020

How Android App Development is Beneficial?

Android is an open source versatile framework with massive user base and simplified mobile application development process. Organizations are utilizing Android and making custom Mobile applications that takes care of client issues and increase value of their business. Android is an open source platform based on Linux operating system. It was developed by Android Inc. in 2007 and then overtaken by Google for further development. That is why today Android is contender of Apple and other operating systems.
Here are some business based advantages of Android:
1. Low Investment and High ROI: Android has a low budget for entry. Android gives its Software Development Kit (SDK) to the engineer group without any charges which limits the improvement and permitting costs. The development expenses can be isolated into three phases: Stage#1 – application advancement, Stage#2 – testing, and Stage#3 – Hardware cost for testing and rendering the android versatile application.
2. Open Source: Get the open source advantage from permitting, eminence free, and the best innovation structure offered by the Android community. The design of the Android SDK is open-source which implies you can really interact with the community for the latest extensions of android mobile application advancement. This is the thing that makes the Android stage exceptionally appealing for mobile phone producers
3. Simple to Integrate: Are you searching for complex specialized customization with incorporation of a web application or only a cell phone application that you are currently having? At that point an android application can be the correct answer for you. The whole platform is prepared for customization. You can coordinate and change the versatile application as per your business requirements. Android is the best portable platform between the application and procedures design.
4. Multiple Sales Channels:unlike the other Mobile platforms, Android applications can be conveyed in various ways. You don't need to depend on an individual market to launch your applications. You can utilize third-party application commercial center (particularly in Google Android Store)
5. Easy Adoption: Android applications are scripted in Java language with the assistance of a rich arrangement of libraries. Anybody can assemble Android applications with the learning of Java and can create an app of their own.

So, now you know that apps developed android is beneficial and an easy approach, but you can’t do it on your own. There are various options available online for mobile app development, but you need to choose the one who has been in the industry since years and is aware of all the latest trends. If you can’t pick the right one, then first check out their previous works and the reviews of the clients

Monday, February 10, 2020

Getting Started with React Native in 2020: Build Your First App

In recent years, hybrid frameworks have evolved from using web views to use native APIs. The cross-platform approach for developing a mobile application comes with its own opportunities and obstacles. One great option that falls under the canopy of cross-platform development is React Native. It was developed and used by Facebook, and many big names now use it, including Tesla, Walmart, Uber Eats, Instagram, Discord, Wix and more. React Native is based on Facebook’s web library ReactJS.

If you are new to mobile development, the easiest way to get started is with Expo CLI. Expo is a set of tools built around React Native. Its most relevant feature is that it can get you writing a React Native app within minutes. If you are already familiar with mobile development, you may want to use React Native CLI. It requires XCode or Android Studio to get started. React Native uses RCTBridgeModule to make a connection between native code and JavaScript code. In simple words, React Native brings the React to mobile app development. Its goal isn’t to write the code once and run it on any platform. The main goal here is to learn once and write-anywhere. An important distinction to make.
To dive deeply in React Native’s ecosystem, you need to install a Node.js and Watchman.  Node.js, is a JavaScript runtime, to build your JavaScript code, and a watchman is a tool developed by Facebook for watching file changes. Lastly, irrespective of the OS you are using, you need to install the Java SE Development Kit (JDK).  macOS developers can install XCodewhileAndroid users can install Android Studio for setting up its development environment. To generate a new app, enter the command to install the command-line tool provided by Expo.
Get started by creating a project directory using the CLI tool just installed. Open your terminal and run it with the name you want. Once the process is done, traverse inside the project directory. The demo you’re going to build requires the use of a navigation pattern between two screens. The first screen is going to display a list of items, and through the second screen, you can add an item to the list. This is a typical stack navigation pattern and using the react-navigation library, you can add this to your React Native app.
The third library you’re going to install is called react-native-paper, which will provide a collection of custom UI components based on Material Design that you can integrate directly. The file in the generated app structure is what initializes the Expo app. In other words, it’s the entry point of the development process. By default, it displays a text message and uses a functional component for that. Components are the visual elements that you see on the screen in a React Native app.

To see the default app in action, start the development server from the terminal window with expo start, either using a simulator or a real device. Expo CLI allows you to run your React Native app on a physical device without setting up a development environment. Once you've set these up, you can launch your app on an Android Virtual Device by running npm run android, or on the iOS Simulator by running npm run iOS (macOS only).

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


All website business maps around building huge traffic to your site and then maximizing that traffic to reap profit for the business. Improving your website conversion includes managing the traffic convincingly enough to execute the conversion optimization satisfactorily. 8 simple steps to increase website conversion are as follows:
1. Accelerate Site Speed
A delay of 1 second of the loading time costs your business a loss of up to 7% of conversions. You must reduce redirects and improve the server time on your website to avoid losing potential sales. Make use of compressed CSS scripts, minimize coding and optimize the images to save on the loading time.
2. Enhanced Usability
Missing or misplaced elements on the website are the number one reason for the visitor to make a quick detour navigating away from your site. Enhanced usability must allow the user to quickly and easily make use of your site without compromising the user experience.
3. Clear Value Proposition
Signify the relevance and uniqueness of your product by clearly explaining how your product solves customers’ problems or improves their situation. A good value deal delivers specific benefits and tells the ideal customer why they should buy from you and not from the competition.
4. Offer Speed-up Checkouts and Flexible Payment Options
This step is all about efficiency. Most online shoppers, and especially those using mobile devices seek an instantly gratifying service. Any hiccups in the checkout process pose the risk of losing a sale. By offering guest checkouts, you can speed up the buying process. Some users find alternative payment methods, such as Amazon Pay or PayPal, more convenient than entering their credit card information.
5. Understand Your Sales Funnel
Not all visitors to your website are interested in making a purchase; some of them are lurkers looking for a specific product. Some of your visitors may be new users to your website, and some of them might be returning, frequent customers. Understand the buyer’s journey and plan your marketing efforts in accordance with the customer’s presence in 5 stages on the sales funnel Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Decision, and Purchase.
6. Optimize for Mobile Design
Optimizing to a mobile upgrade is critical to your conversion rates because nearly 50% of online sales are made with mobile devices. Mobile optimization allows you to present users with a rather personalized, clear, easy-to-use interface while delivering key content and action points in a convenient way and speeding up the process
7. Creative use of Negative Space
Negative space in web design is a space that contains no visual elements and surrounds the text and images on your website helping visitors focus on what you want them to see. The effective use of negative space improves the visitor experience and induces trust for clarity of intent. Trust is an important factor in conversions as well. Due to the increase of fraudulent transactions online, people are more cautious about who they deal with online.
8. Test your Conversion Optimisation efforts
61% of companies run 5 or fewer landing page tests per month. Testing the effectivity of your landing page directly affects your conversion! Maintaining a check regularly on what works and what doesn’t is a guiding tool in testing and optimizing your landing page.