Tuesday, February 4, 2020


All website business maps around building huge traffic to your site and then maximizing that traffic to reap profit for the business. Improving your website conversion includes managing the traffic convincingly enough to execute the conversion optimization satisfactorily. 8 simple steps to increase website conversion are as follows:
1. Accelerate Site Speed
A delay of 1 second of the loading time costs your business a loss of up to 7% of conversions. You must reduce redirects and improve the server time on your website to avoid losing potential sales. Make use of compressed CSS scripts, minimize coding and optimize the images to save on the loading time.
2. Enhanced Usability
Missing or misplaced elements on the website are the number one reason for the visitor to make a quick detour navigating away from your site. Enhanced usability must allow the user to quickly and easily make use of your site without compromising the user experience.
3. Clear Value Proposition
Signify the relevance and uniqueness of your product by clearly explaining how your product solves customers’ problems or improves their situation. A good value deal delivers specific benefits and tells the ideal customer why they should buy from you and not from the competition.
4. Offer Speed-up Checkouts and Flexible Payment Options
This step is all about efficiency. Most online shoppers, and especially those using mobile devices seek an instantly gratifying service. Any hiccups in the checkout process pose the risk of losing a sale. By offering guest checkouts, you can speed up the buying process. Some users find alternative payment methods, such as Amazon Pay or PayPal, more convenient than entering their credit card information.
5. Understand Your Sales Funnel
Not all visitors to your website are interested in making a purchase; some of them are lurkers looking for a specific product. Some of your visitors may be new users to your website, and some of them might be returning, frequent customers. Understand the buyer’s journey and plan your marketing efforts in accordance with the customer’s presence in 5 stages on the sales funnel Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Decision, and Purchase.
6. Optimize for Mobile Design
Optimizing to a mobile upgrade is critical to your conversion rates because nearly 50% of online sales are made with mobile devices. Mobile optimization allows you to present users with a rather personalized, clear, easy-to-use interface while delivering key content and action points in a convenient way and speeding up the process
7. Creative use of Negative Space
Negative space in web design is a space that contains no visual elements and surrounds the text and images on your website helping visitors focus on what you want them to see. The effective use of negative space improves the visitor experience and induces trust for clarity of intent. Trust is an important factor in conversions as well. Due to the increase of fraudulent transactions online, people are more cautious about who they deal with online.
8. Test your Conversion Optimisation efforts
61% of companies run 5 or fewer landing page tests per month. Testing the effectivity of your landing page directly affects your conversion! Maintaining a check regularly on what works and what doesn’t is a guiding tool in testing and optimizing your landing page.

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