In recent years, hybrid frameworks
have evolved from using web views to use native APIs. The cross-platform
approach for developing a mobile application comes with its own opportunities
and obstacles. One great option that falls under the canopy of cross-platform
development is React Native. It was
developed and used by Facebook, and many big names now use it, including Tesla,
Walmart, Uber Eats, Instagram, Discord, Wix and more. React Native is based on
Facebook’s web library ReactJS.
If you are
new to mobile development, the easiest
way to get started is with Expo CLI. Expo is a set of tools built around React
Native. Its most relevant feature is that it can get you writing a React Native
app within minutes. If you are
already familiar with mobile development, you may want to use
React Native CLI. It requires XCode or Android Studio to get started. React Native uses RCTBridgeModule to make a connection
between native code and JavaScript code. In simple words, React Native brings
the React to mobile app development. Its goal isn’t to write the code once and
run it on any platform. The main goal here is to learn once and write-anywhere.
An important distinction to make.
To dive deeply in
React Native’s ecosystem, you need to install a Node.js and Watchman. Node.js, is a JavaScript runtime, to build
your JavaScript code, and a watchman is a tool developed by Facebook for watching
file changes. Lastly, irrespective of the OS you are using, you need to install the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). macOS developers can install XCodewhileAndroid users can install Android Studio for setting up its development environment. To generate a new app, enter the command to install
the command-line tool provided by Expo.
Get started by creating a project
directory using the CLI tool just installed. Open your terminal and run it with
the name you want. Once the process is done, traverse inside the project
directory. The demo you’re going to build
requires the use of a navigation pattern between two screens. The first screen
is going to display a list of items, and through the second screen, you can add
an item to the list. This is a typical stack navigation pattern and using
library, you can add this to your React Native
The third library
you’re going to install is called react-native-paper, which will provide a collection of custom UI components
based on Material Design that you can integrate directly. The file in the generated app structure is what initializes
the Expo app. In other words, it’s the entry point of the development process.
By default, it displays a text message and uses a functional component for
that. Components are the visual elements that you see on the screen in a React
Native app.
To see the default app in action,
start the development server from the terminal window with expo start, either
using a simulator or a real device. Expo
CLI allows you to run your React Native app on a physical device without
setting up a development environment. Once you've set these up, you can launch
your app on an Android Virtual Device by running
run android
, or on the iOS Simulator by running npm
run iOS
(macOS only).
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